
How can we help with your processes?

Process goes right across your organisation and is a really important factor in growing and running a successful business. Processes should be as simple and streamlined as possible, to avoid waste, and also so that all of your team can understand and follow them. As process span teams and functions, you need to appoint an ultimate owner for each process who is responsible for regularly reviewing that process and adapted where appropriate. They need to communicate and agree the process with other process owners in other teams to make sure everyone understands their responsibilities. Documenting process is important so that new staff members can be brought up to speed quickly with how your organisation operates. The documentation for all of the company’s processes should be in a consistent format and the master documents stored centrally – preferably electronically, so that they can be accessed readily. There are three types of business processes:

  • Management processes

    Typical management processes include “corporate governance” and “strategic management”.

  • Operational (core) processes

    From a commercial perspective these might include things like capturing a new lead, producing a quotation or closing a deal.

  • Supporting processes

    These processes support the core processes. Examples include recruitment process, commission calculation, customer support etc.

Ideas for how we might help...

  • how we can helpWe could help evaluate your existing processes and make suggestions on how to optimise them based on our experience and experience of proven processes.
  • how we can helpWe could help document and communicate your existing or revised processes across your company.
  • how we can helpWe could help you implement new processes – for example setting up workflow and structure within Salesforce CRM, around a revised sales process.
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