How can we help with your packaging?
Packaging refers to the way your product or service appears to your target customers from the outside. Packaging also refers to your people and how they dress your offices, your brochures, your vehicles, your correspondence and every single visual element about your company. Everything counts. Everything helps or hurts. Everything affects your customer’s confidence about dealing with you. Remember, people form their first impression about you within the first 30 seconds of seeing you or some element of your company.
Small improvements in the packaging or external appearance of your product or service can often lead to completely different reactions from your customers. For online retailers, their “premises” is their website and ecommerce platform. These need to be well designed, easy to use, reliable and have good support available to visitors with questions or technical issues.
Ideas for how we might help...
We could review your existing packaging and speak to customers and / or prospects about how they perceive the company and its products / services based on this.
We could come up with some suggestions, or brief a designer on how to make adjustments to your packaging to improve the perception of customers and / or prospects.